Friday, January 22, 2010

10 Things I Have Learned From Raising Blind Kids

10 Things (among many others) I have learned from raising blind kids!

1. If there is candy in the house they will find it just as fast as any sighted kid (or faster)!
2. The cat isn't the only one who gets into the Christmas tree.
3. Facial expressions are natural not learned in most cases. (including sticking out their tongue)
4. It doesn't take sight to have a fascination with flushing strange objects down the toilet.
5. Many things in life are impossible to describe.
6. It is NOT ok to touch some things because they are blind and they want to know what it is.
7. Fear is far more disabling than being blind.
8. Two year olds know alot more than anyone thinks (our kids started talking in full sentences at 15 months).
9. Dogs aren't the only ones who can recognize people by their smell.
10. They still want to drive :-0


Alicia said...

Laugh out loud funny...good thing they are so precious!

OurLittleLoveSong said...

I thought the same thing..... lol!!!!

VaQueenBee said...

Funny and made me think at the same time! :)